Baby Hooded Parakeets

Baby Hooded Parakeets
“Due to my unreasonable superstitious reasons I usually don’t like to post freshly hatched babies until they are stable and at least one week old. This time I couldn’t contain it any longer! For the first time, we have successfully hatched Hooded Parakeets (Psephotus dissimilis). This is a medium-sized Australian parakeet that has always been a personal favorite due to it’s beauty. Hooded Parakeets have been scarce in US captive populations for decades. Breeding has been poor, with most adults dying of old age before they have successfully reared chicks. There also appears to be a high male ratio of offspring, which doesn’t help the population at all. If these babies manage to fledge, there is a small chance that we may have one available if we produce males (NY only as they are federally protected species and require permit for out of state sales). Currently we have two unrelated males that we would be holding back any females for if we are so fortunate. Keep your fingers crossed and we’ll keep you updated on their progress! Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the parents because they are timid and when they have babies isn’t a good time for a photo shoot!” – Daniel Kopulos
See video of an adult Hooded Parakeet.
Published on Aug 8, 2014
Hooded Parakeet Update: It looks like we have three out of five eggs successfully hatched. So far the parents are feeding the babies well as they all have fat, full tiny crops!