Tiger Pistol Shrimp
(Alpheus bellulus)

Tiger Pistol Shrimp
(Alpheus bellulus)
Here’s a tiger pistol shrimp (Alpheus bellulus), which has one of the most fascinating weapons in the animal kingdom. They snap their large right claw so quickly that it creates a shockwave powerful enough to stun predators and prey. They also use it as a bulldozer to dig holes. It is because of this that this species of pistol shrimp will pair with some species of gobies. Pistol shrimp are particularly good at digging holes, but have poor eyesight to hunt prey and evade predators. They will allow some burrowing gobies to stand guard at the entrance while the shrimp does the work, all the while keeping his antennae on the gobie’s body. When the goby darts back into the hole, the pistol shrimp knows danger is near and scoots back in to safety. Here’s a great video with slow-motion footage of his pistol in action.