Fringed Leaf Frog
(Cruziohyla craspedopus)
Fringed Leaf Frog
(Cruziohyla craspedopus)
One of the rarest and most charismatic amphibians in the world, the Fringed Leaf Frog (Cruziohyla craspedopus) is a sight to see. Little is known about this species in the wild due to their highly seclusive nature, living high in the canopy of the Amazon rainforest.
Unlike most tree frogs, which must return to pools and streams on the forest floor to reproduce, the Fringed Leaf Frog has evolved to breed in small cups of water that form in the hollows of trees, eliminating the need to ever venture from the canopy.
A few years ago a small number of these stunning frogs were imported into the US from Peru, most of which went to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, which is a leader in the captive breeding and conservation of amphibian species.
We were very fortunate to receive a sub adult pair from one of the few private keepers working with these iconic animals. We recently built and installed a large vivarium exhibit in the store specifically designed to emulate their natural habitat featuring plants native to their home range and will be introducing them to this environment soon.
To follow the progress of the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s captive breeding efforts of this and other amazing and endangered amphibians, check out their Frog Pod Blog.