Baby Cockatiels at Fauna!

Baby Cockatiels at Fauna!

Cockatiels at Fauna NYC

Cockatiels make the perfect pet bird for the family. Our hand fed babies are well adjusted and socialized, not to mention gorgeous!

Cockatiels at Fauna NYC


They are very accepting of multiple family members and bond with children easily.


Cockatiel at Fauna NYC


When people ask us what species we most often recommend to families with smaller children, our answer is always the cockatiel.


Cockatiel at Fauna NYC


Most all of our baby cockatiels learn to mimic sounds, whistles and some even speech! Stop by and visit one of these beauties before they are all gone.


baby cockatiels at Fauna NYC

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  1. We raise our own birds and typically have some young cockatiels available year round. Most of the color varieties that we have are similar to the current group, consisting of pied, pearl pied, pearl, lutino and lutino pearls. Occasionally we do have some whiteface as well. All of our babies are held at the store until they are fully weaned and eating on their own for a couple weeks, which makes the youngest cockatiel we would ever send home around 14 weeks old. Feel free to contact us by calling the store at 212-877-2473 or email: for more information.

  2. hi do you have any baby birds ? we currently have a black headed caique male and possibly looking to get another bird for my daughter who is 6

    • Jennifer, we do have a wide assortment of baby birds in the store at this time (6/17/14). Please give us a call at (212) 877-2473, or feel free to stop by and check them out!


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